
The Power of Belief: My Life-Changing Internship Journey

By October 22, 2021No Comments

This article was written by Natasha Kamarulzaman, Community & Industry Relations Intern.

My core memory as an 8-year-old was learning life is unfair. While other kids played pretend, I was simply pretending. In an attempt to find comfort, I would self-isolate and force myself to pretend my life resembled that of those shown on the Disney channel, which made growing up overwhelming.

While I was driven by fear and was constantly on edge, I remained grateful for the lessons along the way, I can’t help but feel that tough times do play a huge role in shaping a person’s mind.

… Then, I found Forest Interactive

Fast forward to my move to the big city, I was in my final year of my bachelor’s degree program and was responsible to find a company for my internship. In the midst of a bad pandemic and life, I did not think it was possible. I made friends with the moon and hid from the sun for some time, life still felt like it was weighing me down. Then, I found Forest Interactive.

Forest Interactive was the home I did not know I deserved. The purpose I had when applying for the role was plainly to complete an internship and wrap up my studies, but little did I know—I found a home. I definitely felt like I hit the jackpot with my internship at Forest Interactive and am eternally grateful to have crossed paths. My heart had not felt content in the longest of time.

Being an intern at Forest Interactive has opened my eyes to revisit every “dim” idea I have had in the past. It is not just about how the company made my vision clearer about my choices in life, but most importantly, the people here made everything seem possible by just believing.

The process is not always simple, there will be blood, sweat and tears in the pursuit of success—but the journey here has never felt fearful and dark like it has always been to me. For the longest of time, I finally felt belonged. Forest Interactive made that possible.

The team that I worked with on daily basis felt like long-lost friends—they have never made me feel unwelcomed. The Corporate PR department has been nothing, but the best group of people one can ever call, “my team”.

As an intern, my role was to handle CSR initiatives, internal events, and industry relations-related tasks. I never knew of my goals until my role here, the team gave me the chance to connect with many companies and different people—to expand my connections, and not just career-wise, but human connections I have yearned to have. It made me realize how grateful I am to have persevered. There are so many amazing opportunities, dreams, and hopes out there—and my team made that possible for me.

I needed the push, and they took me to Mars.

Being an intern at Forest Interactive and having to work with a team that is continuously pushing me to be the best version of myself have given me the hope I had lost along the way. Career-wise, I now have a clear vision and goals to reach. I understand that it’s not about connection, but it’s how you connect. I realize there are doors of opportunities once you learn how to unleash your inner potential. The most important lesson I will carry with me is the power of belief.

I started interning in Corporate PR with a clean slate—I knew nothing. Ninety-two days had passed since, and I can proudly say I am capable and equipped with the knowledge of conducting myself in the field of Public Relations. Immersing myself in engaging internal talents, liaising with industry members, and giving back to society are definitely things I look forward to in my future calling.

I adore the version of me that Forest Interactive helped mold—I am without a doubt, ready to flap my wings and explore the endless opportunities out there—ones that I was previously blinded to.

Apart from pushing me to be better, my team, too, believed in me. Even without verbalizing it, when I am around them, I can’t help but take in the positive energy they bring to the table every day. They made me realize all I needed was to have a support system that believed in my potential. Unknown to them, the team taught me how anyone can do anything if they just believe and be believed in.

All these changes and growth were possible because I had a team that had faith and belief in me, and that was the game-changer.

Three months felt like I just started yesterday, but it is time to wrap up—new adventures await. Forest Interactive has trained, shaped, and taught me well on how to allow myself to be a team player, and I will continue to cherish it and work for the betterment of my own journey.

Thank you, Forest Interactive;

Thank you, team.