
Leading by Example: Of Roles, Responsibilities, and Relationships

By June 22, 2021No Comments

This article was written by Deanna Cheah, Media Relations Intern.

Behind every success story, there’s a mentor.  

A workplace mentor is a role model who shares their knowledge and provides guidance and support to a mentee during their professional career path. Mentorship is a two-way street; it requires buy-in communication from both parties. The mentor has to be willing to help, advise, and coach the mentee, while the mentee has to be willing to put in the effort to get the most out of the relationship.  

At Forest Interactive, many leaders have helped interns learn about the industry and share their experiences to prepare them for the real world after graduation. These internships have also served as an opportunity for mentors to share mistakes or missteps they have made along the way.  

Here, the My Favorite Mentor series is an opportunity for our interns to reflect on the ways their lives have benefited from a caring, supportive relationship with a mentor, and for them to say, thank you. Read what these mentees had to say to their mentors: 

A Little Thanks Goes a Long Way

In these challenging times, expressing gratitude to others is vital to minimize loneliness, amp up social connections, and generate generosity.  

Positive feedback is critical to an individual’s motivation to succeed in the workplace. Yet, while the benefits of gratitude are widely acknowledged, we feel thankful a lot more often than we express it – and it seems to be least often said at work. 

A “thank you” note is a memorable keepsake people can hang on to.  

Great mentors induce a more innovative, engaging, and welcoming workplace, playing a pivotal role in helping interns develop and succeed, with the capability of having a significant impact in an intern’s career, honing their critical thinking skills, and encouraging them to take on challenges in their professional careers.