
An Intern’s Story: Learning and Growing in the Midst of the Pandemic

By July 29, 2021No Comments

This article was written by Wardah Md Nor, Community and Industry Relations Intern.

Everyone is undoubtedly affected by the pandemic. Some of us are dealing with difficult situations that can cause stress, exhaustion, and restlessness. Regardless, this has not stopped the interns of Forest Interactive from thriving despite their struggles, especially in the midst of rising positive COVID-19 cases.

Instead, we’ve gained empathy, self-love, and trust, as we learn the value of communicating with one another, including our superiors, in order to guarantee that every plan, project, and instruction is carried out to the best of our abilities.

These are stories of personal development that interns in Forest Interactive have shared during these trying times.

Precious Journey

Personal development is a lifelong process. It enables people to reflect on their capabilities and qualities, as well as assess their motives in life and set clear goals to define and achieve their fullest potential.

Remote internships are challenging and some might perceive it as an obstacle in life. Some of the issues faced are lack of internet access, juggling with house chores and work goals, and everyday responsibilities. Nevertheless, it is also an opportunity to break down barriers, and subsequently clear the space in front of you, making your life easier to bear.

Therefore, personal development is more than just a way to solve problems in your life; it is also a way to grow. You are doing it to achieve your goals, which will allow you to become a better version of yourself.

Personal development is, indeed, a push, a struggle, and a challenge. Without challenges, there is no way to win. That is the essence of life. It gives us the opportunity to acknowledge the value we may offer to our future careers.

Together we shall overcome this difficult period in history. We must emerge stronger, healthier, wiser, and hopefully even more appreciative for the gift of life each day.