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Consumer Insight: Value-Added Service

By February 26, 2021March 12th, 2021No Comments
top value added services in telecom

In our previous version of Consumer Insight, we covered a little about the value-added services that are preferred by consumers in APAC. This time, we’re covering the world. According to the “Mobile Value Added Services (MVAS) market worldwide is projected to grow by US$525. 8 Billion, driven by a compounded growth of 12. 2%”, via here.

With approximately 18,800 respondents, GSMA Intelligence created a survey that asked global consumers what VAS-bundled devices or services are they willing to add to mobile subscriptions. To refresh a little, value-added services are defined as services that are beyond voice communication services, provided by mobile operators such as ringback tones, OTT services, mobile money, and more.

These are some top value-added services in telecom as an example of VAS in the industry. VAS-bundled devices and services that consumers worldwide are willing to add to their mobile subscription are Digital Security Services and Wearable Devices. Other than that, the one bundled-service that’s mostly already in their subscription is Video Streaming Content, which then comes to Cloud Storage and Music Streaming Content.