Millennials? Gen X? Gen Z? Baby Boomers? Which one are you?
If you were born between 1982 – early 2000s, then you are counted as one of the hype generation who are well known as innovators, digitally – minded people, or tech gigs. This trend came about due to the rapid spread of the Internet since the early ’90s resulting in the rise of many startup companies from Silicon Valley, California such as Google, Facebook, Cisco, and Tesla. Most of the founders and leaders were relatively young people aged 20 – 24 years old and 30 – 34 years old[i]. Since then, it inspired millennials to make some changes and push themselves to pursue their career success at a young age. Furthermore, the U.S. Bureau of Statistics projected that by 2025, 75% of the workforce will be millennials.
Millennials and Their Interest
If we refer to the age range of millennials, those aged 20 – 30 years old are considered as the wonder years as this age group is the peak period for millennials to explore their talents and interests. These are the times when most of them would have high curiosities and would want to declare their own identities. However, what are the differences in their interests compared to baby boomers?
Source: Economic Cohorts® and data provided by Gfk MRI
Based on Gfk MRI’s finding, seems like millennials and technologies are inseparable, compared to baby boomers who find pleasure in outdoor activities. Almost all of the millennials’ interests are related to the latest technology and gadgets. This younger generation is most passionate about creating apps and digital platforms based on trends.
Key drivers for job selection preferences
Besides interest, let’s take a look at what are other key drivers for millennials to select their job. According to a research done by the strategy firm, Department 26[ii] on millennials preference, the research shows that 44% millennials chose passion, while 42% preferred money, 6% picked job position, followed by 5% who concerned to health insurance, and 2% concerned on vacation and paid off days.[iii]
Source: Department 26 [iv]
Source: linkedIn[v]
What Makes Tech Companies Interesting?
You may now understand the 2/3 of why millennials are into the tech industry. So let’s go through the final piece of the puzzle which is probably the major pull factor that often wins the heart of these youngsters. When it comes to the tech industry, most tech companies are renowned for its uber-cool corporate culture and fun environment compared to the “traditional formal 9 to 5 cubicle office environment” practiced by other industries. Tech companies’ corporate culture has grown to become the major attraction in recruiting talents and below are some of the culture practiced by most tech companies:
Work-life balance
Who does not want to work in a company where they can take some time off work from their desk and play the PlayStation or have a ping-pong match with a colleague to release some stress during the office time? Imagine being able to take a nap as well and get rejuvenated so your brain could produce more fresh ideas! There are a lot of tech companies that provide recreational areas and napping room for their employees. Additionally, some tech companies even form their own recreational club, such as a football club, yoga club, etc. Most tech companies believe that providing a fun and relaxed environment plays a key role in managing workplace happiness and flexibility that would lead to effective productivity from their employees.
Freebies everywhere!
Let’s be honest, everyone likes freebies, be it free lunch, free gym membership, or free merchandise. As long as it’s free, we would definitely love it, especially if it helps make our lives easier! Currently, more and more tech companies offer the provision of such freebies as one of their employment perks.
Merited career growth
Tech companies in their very nature are innovative. This often set chances for career growth and promotion. Plus, most tech companies practice meritocracy that values your skills and what you do, instead of seniority or the number of years on your resume.
An example of a company that believes and practices these cultures within its organization is Forest Interactive. Forest Interactive, a global mobile technology company advocates for the dynamism that derives from the tech culture with 90% of its talent pool comprises of millennials – resulting in a team of more than 130 key players and game changers from 21 nationalities celebrating different ideas and talents while contributing to a great work culture with a united vision and mission.
“At Forest Interactive, we believe in giving our talents with what they want the most: career growth and flexibility. Our aim is to empower as well as to create a positive and creative environment for our employees to flourish in the innovative tech industry and see their ideas come to fruition.” Said Armina Mispar, HR Manager at Forest Interactive.
Learn more about how Forest Interactive celebrates millennials and raises the bar for an amazing work culture HERE or click APPLY to join Forest Interactive.