Recently, A TikTok from the book community has highlighted the impact of algorithms on discovery and how AI-driven recommendations influence the romance novels we see in stores. The poster expresses grievances regarding why romance books sold in bookstores do not contain the necessary tropes that they can skim through to decide on their purchase.
This issue has elicited a wide range of viewpoints from netizens across social media — one respondent reacts, claiming that the present generation of readers aren’t getting the most out of books, as all crafts are meant to be created. However, it’s interesting to note that this phenomenon isn’t simply exclusive to books and their tropes — it’s now becoming a new form of digital pandemic that escapes our perspectives.
The Algorithm-Driven World and Its Impact on Discovery
One thing to notice is that almost everything is curated now. The internet employs AI behind its recommendation algorithm.
Basically, all our activities are now stored as a dataset so these AIs can understand and predict your user behavior. From what you searched yesterday down to its intricate time, keywords, and more, these are all valuable numbers that marketers use to deliver the right products to you.
I’m sure many of you also know this, but a marketer’s main role is to bridge a product right to its intended audience. And AI technology helps become the automated version of it, which brings a win-win situation for product providers and consumers.
How Algorithms Are Reducing the Serendipity Effect
You know that one thing you loved until now that you found by accident? One day you’re strolling down the street and foreign street food is being sold, and it looks so peculiar yet fascinating that you give it a try?
You didn’t think you’d enjoy it at first, but you’re proven wrong at the first taste. And it’s your favorite thing ever now, which surprises you the most.
Well, that’s exactly what serendipity is. It’s the wonderful surprise of discovering new artists or bands, or picking up a book blindly not knowing it’s going to be a delight.
In the world of AI, nothing is accidental anymore. Every activity traced in the digital space is fed into an algorithm so you’ll stay in the loop of things you’re either familiar with or tend to be keen on. The more time you spend on the internet, the more specific your algorithm becomes.
This also means what you consume is going to arrive at a narrow point. AI interprets, predicts, and assumes what you’d like based on logical parameters.
But you’re more than just that. After all, that sets us apart from machines — we are able to try out things and decide for ourselves. Because let’s face it, whatever you love now is because you’re curious enough to discover new things.
That’s how you know you love romance, or prefer spicy food and listen to that one indie band that no one in your circle of friends has heard of.
Takeaways: Rethinking Algorithm- Driven Discovery
Yes, we know AI has automated things and made our daily lives more convenient. After all, the Internet is built on providing everyone access to convenience.
But there’s more to this short life than letting ourselves be trapped in any imaginary box. Maybe take your time and listen to the album that your dear friend has recommended, or try out those cuisines you thought you’d never love in your lifetime.
Remember — While the impact of algorithms on discovery is undeniable, it’s essential to remember we have the power to shape our own experiences.