SMS remains the most popular phone application, proving it’s far from being outdated. It’s also an undervalued marketing gold mine that’s waiting to be discovered. The perfect time to begin using it as one of your company’s marketing strategies is now while it’s yet to become a mainstream trend. There are several benefits your venture will be at the helm of when utilizing SMS marketing as a marketing tactic:
1. SMS Marketing is Highly Targeted.
Social media, blogs, TV ads, billboards…each has their own purpose and are effective for unique reasons but one common flaw among them is the “hit and miss.” While digital media enables better targeting through built-in web features or techniques like incorporating keywords, there’s no assurance your message reaches your intended audience.
One scenario is you know your target market opens their Instagram between 9 AM – 11 AM but that’s a two-hour window when you’re competing with posts from others they’re following. They may or may not scroll down far enough on their News Feed to see yours, especially if they don’t follow their normal routine that day. A text message, on the other hand, is sure to be received even if they happen to pass through an underground tunnel or get on an elevator.
2. SMS Marketing Has the Highest Open Rates Compared to Email and Social Media.
According to research, 98% of text messages are read. Most people can’t resist opening a text message, compared to an email. Stories of having hundreds to thousands of unread emails are common but the exact opposite is the norm for SMS.
Because it’s more direct, a text feels more important and urgent than email does, making it a preferred method of correspondence. This one-on-one medium carries more weight as well as familiarity in just 160 characters. Surprisingly, even a Rich SMS would require less effort than a lengthy and graphics-intensive email marketing campaign while yielding better results.
3. SMS Marketing Feels More Personal.
People guard their personal numbers more than they do their email addresses. Knowledge is limited to family, close friends, and workmates. When your customer gives you their cellphone number, whether personal or work, it’s a subtle way of showing trust. They value the information you have to offer.
SMS also creates an impression of better accessibility. Don’t you feel better when you have the mobile number of your therapist or doctor rather than just an email? That’s how customers would feel about having the same direct contact with your company. If you want to create a bond with your target audience, it’s essential to communicate with them through this channel.
4. There’s Almost No Competition Here.
It’s a highly underused method. Unlike in email where you’re competing with tons of other newsletters your customers opted into, they receive much fewer texts from brands in a day. Only a few companies have recognized its potential and only companies that have cultivated relationships with their customers to be relied upon with their mobile numbers.
Do you know if your competitors are marketing via SMS? This could be an added competitive edge to your business and an early lead would give better chances of market loyalty. If you’re not an early adopter in your industry, you’ll still garner satisfying results when done right.
5. There’s No Worry About Going Into Spam.
Spam email makes up for more than half of email traffic. Even if the consumer signed up to receive content from you, there’s no guarantee your communications won’t end up in this folder. There are only best practices to follow, and not all may be helpful to the company’s needs and consumers’ tastes.
It’s what all email marketers dread because it’s hard to get back into the Inbox once you do. However, SMS marketers don’t concern themselves with it because there’s no filtering for text messages unless your customer decides to block your number.
6. SMS Texts are Read Immediately.
90% of SMS messages are read within the first 3 minutes after receipt. It’s especially useful for time-sensitive content such as announcements about sales, the release of new merchandise, and information about events. Well-written and beautifully designed marketing materials only matter when they deliver results.
For example, an airline corporation offering a limited number of seats at reduced prices would have a higher possibility of speedy purchases via SMS. A restaurant would ideally announce special deals for employees minutes before lunch hour if they send bulk SMS. Bands holding surprise concerts would quickly gather a crowd from sending texts to their loyal fans an hour or two before the show begins.
7. SMS Can Be Sent in Bulk.
A business can send a text to a large pool of customers minutes before a special offer, event or new release happens which, combined with the high open rates, increases engagement and, in turn, drives high traffic. Few channels have the capability to send in bulk and share the several benefits we mentioned, particularly the level of targeting, feel personal, and have more than satisfactory open rates.
For example, the traditional snail mail is highly targeted and can be sent in bulk but somehow feels less personal and is more likely to end up in the junk pile before they even open it. We’re seeing the same happening to their virtual counterpart, emails. It’s not likely to happen with SMS because it’s underutilized and consumers are more careful about sharing their mobile numbers than their email addresses. (Read more about How to Send Business Text Messages)
With news of innovation for SMS coming, we can only expect these benefits to increase as businesses create more engaging content. Start using SMS marketing to position yourselves as the head in your market and experience the full benefits. For quality SMS services, partner with a tech firm offering easy-to-use sophisticated platforms to fit your needs. Give us a call.